Flexibility is the condition enjoed when muscles and joints are mobiles and elastics. To achieve this it is necessary to do the targeted stretching, joint gymnastics exercises and muscles strengthening.

Among the different types of stretching that you will learn to use on your own, I also offer passive stretching techniques designed to both relax muscles and increase their tone.


The benefits you get by improving your flexibility:

  • greater elasticity of the tendons and muscles;
  • greater mobility of the joints and prolongation of its youth;
  • improved posture
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • increased vital capacity of the lungs;
  • accidents preventin;
  • sleep improvement;
  • release of cervical and lumbar tension.


The main goal of this course is to teach you to move correctly with shoes wich ones may seem uncomfortable. After all, using stiletto heel shoes we women have to bear a large number of loads and risk not only the health of the back and feet but simply fall.

High-heeled shoes are a great way to feel confident and be more attractive and classes aimed at strengthening muscles, improving posture and teaching correct posture will help you with this. By performing certain exercises, you will learn to maintain balance when walking, straighten your posture and gain valuable experience on how to make your walking safe and graceful. In addition, the exercises are performed on all muscle groups, especially the muscles of the legs, buttocks and core, which provides a correct training load.

Consequently, after the session you will have a great mood, excellent physical shape and absence of fatigue when you wear your favorite high-heeled shoes!



Ballet is perhaps the only type of fitness that truly adds elegance to a woman's movements. I propose you a full body workout based on ballet which is suitable for people of all ages and of any physique.

Even if you've never danced at all, you can appreciate simple exercises designed to improve posture, increase physical strength and endurance without increasing muscle volume. In one simple combination in the Fit Body Ballet workouts, you get the load you need on all muscle groups. During the lesson you don't have time to get bored or distracted with thoughts, since it's necessery to pay constant attention to every muscle in the body (also and especially to the internal ones, which respond to female health) and to every slightest movement of the head and fingers.

A total attention to everything that happens in the lesson allows you to detach youself from everyday life, merging into the wonderful sounds of music.

Certainly the amateur workloads aren't enouth to dance  "Swan Lake", but it is more than enough for a fit look and a sense of well-being in everyday life. Already after a few lessons, the back and knees will straighten, the muscles of the legs and buttocks will form and feeling of lightness will appear, for which it is worth working hard.


This course teaches not only the art of controlling your body, but the ability to move beautifully, gracefully and elegantly. You will learn some elements of striptease - seductive and provocative, which will bring your natural femininity to a new level, which can be soft and cozy or stormy and burning, but always extremely bewitching.

Lessons consist of two parts: in the first there is the actual training for the whole body (warm-up, muscle strengthening and strethcing) and in the second you learn ready-made choreographies with specific striptease movements and the art of improvisation.

With regular exercise, you will very soon gain not only a more confident and leaner gait, but all your movements will become more refined and elegant. You will look spectacular in your everyday clothes, there will be a sparkle in your eyes and you will catch the admiring glances of others.

Attention! Possible side effects:

  1. Awakening or strengthening desire and improving the quality of sexual life due to increased blood supply to the pelvic region.
  2. The jealousy of your partner or the acquisition of a new relationship in case of their absence.